What's in Daily Tonic and how does it help runners?
Daily Tonic has been independently researched and created to help runners. It is not an off the shelf formula, it is CUSTOM MADE just for us by an NSF and GMP accredited manufacturer in the USA. To develop the formula we looked at three things:
- What a runner needs to stay healthy and strong
- What micro-nutrients deliver those needs
- What are the best forms to consume those micro-nutrients to maximise benefit.
Once we had our ingredient list we were thrilled to team up with an expert LIQUID supplement manufacturer as liquid delivers superior absorption compared to a tablet or capsule.
Read on for all you need to know about the ingredients in Daily Tonic; WHAT, WHY and HOW MUCH.
Daily Tonic running supplement: the best ingredients

The best ingredient FORMS
We have done all the research to bring you high quality forms of the micro-nutrients in Daily Tonic. You can be sure of the best bioavailability and safety. We have summarised this research in a document listing the best forms and those to be avoided. Download it and refer to it whenever you are shopping for supplements of any sort.
Recommended vitamin & mineral forms
You have probably heard the advice of choosing a multi-vitamin with no more than the recommended daily value (DV) of each ingredient. We think this advice needs updating as the daily values for most vitamins and minerals were established as long ago as 1968. Each Daily Tonic component has been researched based on what a runner needs, not just what the recommended daily intake is.
Vitamin A
This all rounder supports your immune system, bone health, eye sight (where the 'eat carrots to see in the dark' idea comes from) and more. It's found in a vast array of food and is stored by your body.
Form: Retinyl is the form Vitamin A needs to be when it is used by the body. Daily Tonic uses Retinyl Palmitate, a chelated (bonding with an acid) form to enhance bioavailability.
Vitamin B's
B vitamins (including the more recently discovered choline) are all needed for converting carbohydrates into energy. They are our battery vitamins and when we make demands on our body they can become depleted. They also each offer unique benefits; B5 helping reduce lactic acid build up, B9 potentially protecting against cardiovascular disease and B-6 and B-12 improving oxygen delivery to cells as you run.
Endurance athletes may have double the B vitamin needs of the regular population so Daily Tonic has a mega dose of all except B9*. To get the dosage of Vitamin B our tonic offers, you would normally need to buy a Vitamin B complex in addition to a multi-vitamin.
We do not store Vitamin B's in our body so what we don't need we excrete. It is Vitamin B2 which is responsible for the canary yellow urine you might notice sometimes. This does NOT mean you have passed ALL your vitamin B, just some B2.
Form: B1-B9 are all standard forms in the industry. You will recognise their names, riboflavin, thiamine, Folic acid. B12, is slightly different. There are two different forms you can get, but methylcobalamin is the best.
*Recently, the British Dietetic Association have advised a maximum of 200mcg B9 (folic acid) for adults and children over 11 years, unless pregnant or breast feeding. While B7 shows as only 50% of DV, vs the recent level set by a recent European study of 40mcg, we are at 300%DV.
Vitamin C
There are some contradictory studies around Vitamin C, the only consensus being that prior to a race it can help prevent runners from coming down with a cold or respiratory infection. It is not stored in the body so keeping a constant level is important.
We have included it at 100% DV as it shouldn't be something you need mega doses of on a daily basis. However, we do recommend boosting your intake (1000mg a day) either through food or a single dose supplement prior to races or whenever you have a cold or respiratory infection.
Form: Ascorbic Acid. This is an industry standard.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D supports optimal bone health, reduces the risk of injury and inflammation and is essential for calcium absorption. Having low levels can lead to fatigue which is often mistaken for a training plateau.
Vitamin D status varies a great deal by individual (weight, skin and hair colour all play a role) and research suggests as many as 40% of the population may be deficient.
Freely available from sunlight (if wearing no sunblock), but difficult to get from food this is a Vitamin we believe is essential for every runner to supplement with. Daily Tonic has a mega dose of 40mcg; (800%DV). Sounds high, but it is worth understanding DV's were never established to optimise health, but to prevent illness in the majority of the population. (See more on this below; Effectual volumes). The Vitamin D council recommends an even higher daily intake of 1000mcg (not a typo) a day.We recommend getting your vitamin D levels checked by a doctor if you are suffering from unusual fatigue, particularly if you are dark skinned or have dark hair as your ability to convert it from sunlight will be lower. You may then require a higher than average dose to rebalance your levels. Make sure you find a doctor who understands the difference between 'normal' and 'optimal' Vitamin D levels.
Form: Vitamin D3 (chloecalciferol). This is the natural form of Vitamin D your body makes from sunlight. Vitamin D2 comes from an irradiated fungus and is not widely recommended.
Vitamin E
An antioxidant which can reduce levels of lipid damage occurring during endurance exercise. It may also reduce exercise-induced DNA damage, inflammation and muscle soreness during recovery.
Form: d-Alpha-tocopherol is the most prevalent form of Vitamin E in nature. The chelated form (bonded with an acid) enhances absorption.
The stress running places on bones helps make them stronger, just as stressing a muscle causes it to strengthen. However, for the strengthening to occur effectively we need calcium, the essential building block of bones. Vitamin D is the critical partner for calcium in this process.
Form: We have an amazing sea kelp based source with excellent bioavailability, so you get maximum benefit for each included gram. There is some research to suggest over supplementing with calcium is occurring as there is a so much calcium fortified food being consumed. While we think calcium is really important for runners we have just a low quantity, but high quality to avoid any risk.
A bit of a miracle mineral as it literally supports hundreds of chemical reactions in the body. For runners in particular its benefits include aiding muscle function, lactic acid clearance, energy metabolism, bone health and electrolyte balance during exercise. Requirements can increase by 10-20% during strenuous exercise due to losses in sweat and urine so a small deficiency can easily affect performance.
Form: Magnesium Citrate is a great source for runners as it's easily digested (for some it can cause gastro issues) and has good absorption.
An essential mineral for good utilisation of Vitamin B's, C & E. It can help reduce inflammation and is also an anti-oxidant countering the free radical damage resulting from oxidative stress running can cause.
Form: Manganese chelate - bonded with an acid to improve absorption rates.
Zinc is a mineral that works alongside more than 100 different enzymes in the body supporting many functions. It's essential for a strong immune system and injury recovery. Many runners may be deficient due to it being lost though sweat when you exercise. In one study athletes had twice the zinc loss through urination following a 6-mile run compared to when they didn't exercise.
Form: We are using Zinc picolinate because of its proven superior absorption. A study showed a five fold increase of zinc levels after a four week period in test subjects given a zinc picolinate supplement compared to those receiving other types of zinc supplements. (Livestrong.com)
Selenium is an antioxidant so counters free radicals caused by oxidative stress and has been shown to help increase muscle strength. Selenium is a unique mineral as it is not generated; the planet has a finite amount. It used to be that we just 'ate brazil nuts' to get our selenium but now the brazil nuts being grown in the soil are devoid of the mineral, and if its not in the soil, it 'ain't in the nut!
Form: Amino Acid chelate. Bonding the selenium with an amino acid enhances it's progress through the intestine wall.
A trace mineral that helps your cells convert carbohydrate into energy. Along with the hormone insulin, chromium acts like a key that unlocks cells, allowing glucose to enter. Runners have an increased need for chromium; when running we require access to our glucose stores for energy and when we eat carbohydrates (as runners tend to) we use chromium up to metabolise it. Processed carbohydrates require more chromium than complex carb's so thats another reason to avoid white bread and sugary food.
Form: Chromium is an under researched mineral, but chromium polynicotinate seems to have the best bioavailability based on current information
Circulatory support complex
Alongside this spectrum of quality vitamins and minerals is a special blend designed to support the circulatory system. This system is what ensures oxygen efficiently gets around the body so it is important to runners. Korean Ginseng, Ginkgo Bilabo and C0-Q10 are important components of this complex.
One mineral NOT included is iron and here is why. The research clearly shows it competes with calcium for absorption, so if you take both at the same time, you'll benefit from neither. It is also possible to have too much iron in your system so only supplement with it if you have had your levels checked professionally.
If you do need a stand alone iron supplement make sure you check out our summary of the best forms of vitamins and minerals below, so you choose the most bioavailable form.
*Disclaimer: Please note that results may vary from person to person.